Friday, September 22, 2006

Los Romero

The great Celedonio Romero was among the best in the world of Spanish classical guitarist. Celedonio Romero is an extraordinarily talented composer from Malaga. He endured through a civil war in Spain and an artistic oppression. Celedonio created the first guitar quartet and became very renown all over the world. His story inspired the world to such a great deal that a video was made on him and his family.
The Romero’s are the gifted Spanish family who are still moving the world today with there music. There are three sons Angel, Celin, and Pepe and two grandsons Celino and Lito that make up this family. Each one can play the guitar with great beauty and magnificence. With Celedonio and his three sons, he created the guitar quartet, which had never been done before. This family comprised the talent and the desire to become enormous and that is precisely what they did. The Romero’s inspired the world with their beautiful music.
Celedonio and Angelita Romero moved to America from their original home in Franco’s Spain. This journey happened in 1957. They first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show and from there their music skyrocketed. The Romero’s traveled the world performing their famous guitar quartet. They captured the hearts of thousands and made others yearn for their spectacular music.
The famous guitar quartet first done by the Romero’s was well-known throughout the Spanish classical music genre. Unfortunately this quartet could not last forever. Celedonio died of heart problems. He was replaced by another and the famous quartet started back up again.
The royal family of guitar, the Romero’s are world renowned guitarist. They have influenced the world with their magnificent ability with a guitar. The Romero’s will always be set along side the greatest of Spanish guitarist. What they accomplished with the guitar quartet will never be forgotten. They truly were outstanding in what they did.